This week my mother in law came up to visit with the kids. It was great having her here. I am enjoying all the help I can get right now. With Austin, I felt I needed to do everything myself. This time if someone wants to help, I gladly let them. Grandma B (right now both Grandma's are called Grandma so I will add there last initial so it's not confusing) and Austin made chocolate chip cookies for Brian. Austin really enjoyed helping make cookies. Austin loves to be a little helper.
On Wednesday, Grandma B, Austin, Sydney, and I all went to the zoo. It was a beautiful day so I figured we should get out of the house. Leaving in the morning was quite a challenge. Austin wanted to pee on the potty (which he still has not done but loves to take off his diaper and run around naked). He went into our bedroom and peed on the floor. I was not too happy. I am going to read a potty training book because I am not sure I am ready for this. Then Sydney pooped though her outfit and needed fed several times and of course spit up on her new outfit. Finally after all the kids needs were taken care of we left for the zoo. We were there for a couple hours. We had a nice time. Austin enjoyed seeing the animals. Sydney enjoyed napping in the stroller.

My parents have also been extremely helpful. If I am going to be home all day by myself with both kids they come up to help me. Again I am so grateful for all the help. It is making the transition to two kids so much easier.
Next week, Brian has to go to California for a work conference. This is not ideal but has to happen so we will see how I do being a single mom. Luckily my parents are going to help and Melissa is also coming up for the week. I am looking forward to Melissa's visit. It has been a while since we have seen her. Hopefully I will not traumatize her too much like I did when Austin was first born.
I am still solely breastfeeding Sydney. That is going well. My right breast is still cracked but the left is fine. I go to a breastfeeding support group on Tuesdays. It works out because Austin is in daycare on Tuesdays. I really enjoy going. This Tuesday, Sydney weighed 8lb 3 oz. She is getting to be a big girl! Talking to other moms about breastfeeding is great. Breastfeeding is a challenge! I am glad that I do it for my kids but formula is definitely easier. My goal is to breastfeed Sydney for 6 months just like I did Austin. Then she will get formula for 6 months. We will see how it goes.
Wish me luck for next week! Austin is going to miss Brian terribly!
We did a little photoshoot in the backyard with the kids in Austin's red car. Some photos appear below:
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