We went to the doctor on Wednesday morning. Brian picked me up at work at 0830 and we went to the Garfield Heights office. Our appointment was for first trimester screening. First we had an ultrasound. It was exciting because it was the first time Brian saw a ultrasound. At the ultrasound, they needed to measure on the back of baby’s neck. Baby was laying on his/her stomach. The ultrasound tech did a few things trying to see if she could get the measurement, but baby was not moving. Baby was sleeping and did not want to be bothered. So the ultrasound tech had me cough. Oh my! This caused the baby to start moving all over the place. It was really funny! She got the measurements after the baby had flipped over. Brian did really good and asked for another ultrasound picture. We now can show that to our family once we tell them we are pregnant.

After the ultrasound (US) they took my blood. For the first trimester screening they measure my blood with the US results and retake my blood in 4 more weeks. Then we will have the results. Hopefully everything will be okay. They said so far everything looks good. We met Dr Farincaci at the doctor’s office. Dr Grossman was off. However we were there for an hour and half. We do not have to see the doctor now for four weeks.
Today is a big day. We are telling my parents we are pregnant. We have our postcard all printed out. We went and got them on Thursday. I am excited to tell them. My mom is not expecting this. We have her convinced we are still not planning a family anytime soon (after all, we have a Panama Canal trip planned). Only if she knew; we have been trying for a while. Now we are 12 weeks along! They are coming over to help us weed our yard. We are going to tell them as soon as they get here. That will give my mom time to calm down because she will not be allowed to tell anyone yet. She will not be happy about that however my work still does not know so the secret can't get out.
Then tonight we are going to Ted and Nellie’s wedding. It should be a fun night out.
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