Last week was a very stressful week for me. I went to work early. Most days I also worked late and things at work were extremely busy and stressful. It was almost too much for me at times. I was getting stomach pains and felt miserable. It was not a very good week.

I tried to relax at home but there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. Brian has been really great at helping around the house but I still like to do a lot. Brian was in graduate school for the past 2 years. He graduated this past May (thank goodness). During that time, I did all the housework. I would always make dinner, pack lunches, clean the house, do laundry, etc. It was fine because I had a lot of time on my hands because Brian was in school or studying a lot. Now that he is done, he has a lot more time and has really been helpful to me. Especially since most of the time, I don’t feel like doing anything. Some days just making dinner seems like an impossible task.
It is a weird feeling of not having much energy or motivation to do things. We have always been really active and almost workaholics at times. We are always doing something. We do not spend too much time watching TV or movies. Lying on the couch all day Sunday would never happen in our house. Brian still has all this energy however baby has taken all of mine.

My favorite thing to do is plan our crazy vacations. We leave in a month for The Panama Canal and I don’t even have everything for that planned out! Oh my! At least this week is starting off a little better. So maybe I will get something accomplished.
One of our more crazier projects is our Christmas lights that are syncorized to music. Brian designed the entire thing. However I am his helper and it is A LOT of work! The past week we have been building new arches for our yard. Our old ones were metal that ended up rusting so we had to throw them away. Brian made new arches out of PVC piping. Brian lets me do the easy jobs but they take work too. I’m interested in how the Christmas lights get set up this year. I'll be 8 months pregnant in November so this could be an added challenge to the set up.

Last night, we had our families over for dinner. It was nice to have everyone together. Unfortunately Melissa and Jonathan were not there because they live in Myrtle Beach. Brian’s mom also lives in Myrtle Beach but she was up for the weekend. She usually comes up every few months. We used to have family dinner at least once a month. Now they are every few months. I hope after baby is born will be get back to doing them more frequently.
We have signed up for Bradley Natural Childbirth classes. They are once a week for 12 weeks. We start at the end of October. We also are going to baby basic class and breastfeeding class because we may miss those classes in our Bradley Method since they are after my due date. We should start the Bradley Method class in September but we will be on vacation so we are postponing starting them until October. Also Brian, my mom, and maybe my dad will be going to an infant CPR class. Since I am a nurse (I know infant CPR) and my mother in law is a CRNA so she knows it too. We all need to be prepared for baby!