I am feeling almost like normal again except I have gained 7 pounds! I have more energy again. It is really a great feeling. Also I don’t feel like I am going to vomit all the time. I am still eating more than if I was not pregnant but I don’t have to eat every two hours like before.

The only real issue I have is trying to wear clothes. Every morning I try to find something to wear. It is a great feeling when it still fits. I can still fit into most of my clothes (although they are tight) however some are now too small. I am at the “fat” stage of my pregnancy. I don’t really look pregnant. I have a little baby bump but it looks more like a fat roll depending on what I am wearing. I just look much bigger than I use to be! Yesterday I had my first crying episode on what to wear. I just could not find a shirt that looked cute. Finally I found something but it was a lot of work. I’m going to have to go buy some clothes soon.
After work this past week, I would come home change into comfortable clothes. I wore Brian’s T-shirts most evenings because I could not fit into any of mine without wearing a bra. Wearing a bra has become extremely uncomfortable! Finally Thursday night, I made Brian take me bra shopping. I got measured in the store and my breast size went up 2 cup sizes! No wonder why wearing a bra was so uncomfortable. I have three new bras. Now can wear my shirts again (those that fit anyways).
Baby’s room is all fixed up from the insulation issue. I was cleaning it up yesterday and realized we only have three pieces of furniture that we need to move to our lower bedroom. I was thinking we had so much to move but we really don’t. We are going to start looking at baby furniture today. It will be fun to put baby’s room together.

We have finished cleaning out our entire house. We went though each room to see if we really needed everything in them. We donated a lot to goodwill and threw some stuff away. We have never been clutter people. But like everyone, we accumulated things that we don’t really need. Now with baby coming we need even less clutter than before. I know baby’s stuff is going to take over my entire house. Oh that is a scary thought for me.
I still have not felt baby kick yet (at least I have not realized it). I have all kinds of different aches and pains but nothing severe. It is amazing how many changes your body goes through when you are pregnant. I am excited to feel baby kick for the first time. Maybe it will be this week!
Also it is 5 months from today until my due date!
You would have to gain a lot more then 7 pounds to even start looking fat! Looks like Brian better take you shopping for more then just bras.