I am 15 weeks pregnant. Yesterday, we went to the doctor for a normal check up. Right now everything is okay and seems healthy. We are waiting for some blood work to come back for the first trimester screening. That should be back in 2 weeks or less. Hopefully that will be good. We listened to baby’s heart beat and that really is an amazing thing.
I have had 4 days without significant nausea or vomiting. I have only really vomited 3 times but that was more than enough. I felt like I was going to vomit constantly! I am hoping “morning sickness” is finally over for me. It is great to actually feel somewhat normal again. It has been awhile since I have felt this good!

We started looking at our baby registry since Melissa is going crazy already for baby’s shower. (Or I should say “Mattie’s” shower in Melissa terms - she named the baby Mattie and decided that she thinks it's a girl. Mattie is short for Matilda according to Melissa, but it could also be short for Matt). I love looking at all the baby things however it is also I little overwhelming. We don’t want to get stuff that we don’t really need just to have it. I am finding that would be really easy to do.
We are still going to cruise the Panama Canal at the end of September. I checked with my physician and he stated that I could even kayak as long as the conditions were not too rough. I am excited about that. I have been working on planning our trip. I love planning vacations! I am going to plan fun family vacations too once baby is born!

In four weeks, we go back to the doctor. At that visit we could find out the gender of our baby. It will be interesting to be able to see so much detail of the baby. We still think of it as seen during the 12 week ultrasound. Baby has surely grown since then and an updated look in a few weeks will be exciting. We both want to be surprised about the gender though and are sticking to that. I really don’t want to know! This is really an exciting time. It really helps that I feel so much better. I am still tired but not that severe. I am now waking up twice a night to potty. That is a little annoying, but hey, baby is worth it. My next adventure is learning how to sleep on my left side. I sleep on my stomach and love it! Sleeping on my side even with a body pillow is quite the challenge.
I have gain 3 pounds so far. I feel much bigger than that. It was worse earlier because I was so bloated however that has clamed down some. I can still fit in all my clothes however they are getting tighter. I do not like anything too tight fitting either.
I am so excited about baby. I am so happy right now!
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