Last Sunday, Brian and I went baby furniture shopping. We drove down to Wayside Furniture and spend over an hour there looking at different types of dressers for baby’s room. Interestingly we found the same set that we liked in two different sections: the children’s section and the adult section. Once we realized they were identical, we knew that this was the one we wanted. We did not measure baby’s room before we went shopping so we had to measure to see if we could fit the bigger dressers in the room. Once we got home and measured, we realized it would be better to get the smaller of the two dresser versions. We need room for a bookshelf and toys too. Even with the shorter one, baby still has more dresser space than we do!
While we were out on Sunday, we also stopped at Motherhood Maternity.

We wanted to get me some clothes for our Panama trip. Since it is the end of summer here, they had some good deals. However I still ended up spending a lot of money on clothes! I am going to need more work clothes soon too. It is so hard right now because all my current clothes are too tight however I don’t really need maternity clothes yet. I am still in the fat stage. Yick! I did buy a BeBand Maternity Band. This is the coolest thing ever. It is band that goes over your waist line and allows you not to button your pants! No one can even tell. It is really great.
This week for work I was in training all week. It was a nice break from regular work. However it was stressful because I had to prepare a presentation and take 3 tests on Friday. It was really important that I pass all the tests! I was so grateful after I took the tests and found out that I passed. My heart was racing each time I hit the submit button. Even after the tests were completed my heart was still racing. I tried to relax for baby's sake!

Yesterday, Brian, Dad, and I went to pick up our baby furniture. Brian and Dad carried everything into the house. The dressers were pretty heavy.

Once we got home, our crib had been delivered to the house too and was sitting outside of the garage. It was perfect timing. I was so excited. We basically have all baby’s furniture now. We still need a mattress for baby, bookshelf, and new blinds. I ordered blind color samples today so I should get them this week. Brian is still working on baby’s room to fix the drywall spot so the furniture has not been moved into the room yet. He wasn't happy with how it turned out the first time and is doing it over. It looks so weird to have that room empty.

I have the guest bedroom now all set up downstairs. That room really turned out nice. That use to be our “junk room”. We would just put stuff in there and shut the door. It was like our basement but not it is a livable room. I’m proud on how it turned out. Luckily Brian was able to move a lot of the stuff that use to be in that room to the garage. He built nice new shelves in the garage. Our house it nicely in order now!
I have been feeling pretty well. No nausea or vomiting. Some minor aches and pains but nothing too severe. I have not realized it if I have felt the baby kick. I have so many different feelings that it is hard to tell. I love to eat right now. I have to be careful with that so I don’t gain too much weight. It is hard to be hungry all the time though. I have now gained 9-10 pounds. I hope my weight levels off a little bit. I am exercising more than I was a month ago just because I feel better.

Also this week, Melissa finalized “Mattie’s” baby shower. That was a bit of an ordeal but at least the date and location has been finalized. It was hard because Melissa and my mother in law live out of state. So they have to take off work and come up for it. Finding a date around the holidays was a bit of a challenge. Melissa calls the baby Mattie. She is convinced we are having a girl. We could find out the gender this week but we still want to be surprised so we will not know for sure until baby arrives.