Our journey into family life from pregnancy to parenting.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
20 Week Ultrasound (19 weeks 5 days)
On Tuesday, we had our “big” ultrasound. I was off on Tuesday which I was really glad. It is hard for me to be at work and leave for a doctors appointment and an ultrasound. I was nervous all day long. It is hard to explain why. I knew that during the ultrasound they check to make sure everything was developing. The ultrasound is a chance to look at baby and see if everything looks normal. Being a nurse, I realize that having a healthy baby is not a given. I pray everyday for a healthy baby. I have tried to do everything right so baby is not exposed to bad things but you never know. I have to leave it in God’s hands and hope for the best.
I picked Brian up from work so we could go together. Once we got there, we had the ultrasound first. It was amazing to see how big baby is already. One would think that baby is not developed yet, however that is not the case at all. Baby is just about all developed however he/she just needs to get bigger. We told the tech right away that we did not want to know the gender. It is really important for us to be surprised. We got to see baby’s face. It looks like a skeleton face on the screen. It is weird. We also saw baby’s arms and feet. We also saw all the chambers of baby's heart. Everything is developing like it should. We could not get a measurement on how long baby is because he/she was in a ball position. We are expecting a long baby though since Brian is tall. It is so cute. The best pictures we got were of baby’s feet (previous post). It is so exciting!
I talked to the doctor about my concerns. I was worried that I have gained so much weight this month. The doctor was not too concerned. He said that I have only gained 8 pounds so far which is normal. That made me feel better. Also I have not gained any more weight this week. Thank goodness! Also I have been getting right groin pain when walking a lot. We went to the Taste of Hudson on Sunday. While walking around there, I was having severe pain in my groin that freaked me out a bit so I was glad I could ask my doctor about it. I found out that is round ligament pain which is also normal. It is caused by the uterus growing and the ligaments stretching to support it. Resting helps the pain. The doctor says everything looks good and normal.
I have found that sleeping with 5-6 pillows surrounding me really helps. I need all the support for my every part of my body as possible. Last evening I was so uncomfortable I tried my prenatal yoga. It really helped me stretch out and sleep better. I need to do that more often.
Baby Mattie has a big head. I may need to buy her an outfit for kids with big heads. What size would that be 12 - 18 mo BH???
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