I have felt baby kick! It is a weird feeling. I do not feel it often but I have felt it a couple of times. It is amazing to have a person inside of you and to feel him/her is unbelievable. I am so blessed.

I have been feeling well all in all. My stomach is getting bigger. I am carrying baby pretty high now. Because of my large stomach, I cannot sleep on my stomach. So my biggest challenge is trying to get enough sleep. I think baby is preparing me for when he/she is born since I will not be sleeping much then either. I cannot get comfortable at night. I toss and turn. Most nights I end up on the couch just trying to get some sleep. I have been going to work early this week. However I have been awake before my alarm goes off which has been 5:30am. I think my days of getting 8 hours of sleep a night are over!

Brian put the dressers together this week. The handles needed to go on and the mirror needed to be attached. They really look nice. At times, I think we should keep them and give baby our old dressers. Just kidding! Also my blind samples came in. Now we have to decide on what color to go with. I will order them soon. We have not put the crib together but we will once we get back from our vacation.
I also realized something else this week. Before I was pregnant, I would get dressed without any difficulty. My clothes would fit, had many choices, and it was quick. Now I have to find clothes that fit (always a challenge) although I did go shopping for more clothes so I now have some options. But if I want to wear a pair of my prepregancy jeans, I need to also wear my Beband. It does take a little bit to put on correctly. I now also need bra extenders because my bras are now longer wide enough. My days of getting dressed quickly are now over as well. I now need lots of accessories to help me.
My sister in law is coming up tomorrow. She has not seen me pregnant yet. That should be interesting. She is really excited about the baby. I’m sure seeing me pregnant will make it even more real. Brian’s birthday is Friday. It is nice that his sister came up for it. It should be a fun weekend.
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