I have still been working a lot so I have been tired. Actually Wednesday night I was lying on the floor while Brian and I were doing our relaxation exercises for birthing class and I fell asleep. Brian was nice and just let me sleep. I have been getting up between 5:00-5:30am all this week. So a little nap on the floor felt really good.
Overall I have been feeling well. Baby has been active which is a great feeling. At the Cavs game, when they would announce Daniel Gibson’s name, baby would kick me. I guess that is baby’s favorite player. I have gained 20 pounds now. I am so lucky because all the weight is in my stomach. I really have not gained it anywhere else. I have been trying to keep as active as possible.
We were asked if we were getting really excited about baby’s birth coming soon. We are excited but right now we are still very task oriented. We have many things we need to do before baby comes. Brian is going to set up his own type of baby monitoring system. It will be very cool of course (with picture in picture on our TVs). I am still looking at getting a mattress for the crib. There are many options out there. Plus we are still working on figuring out day cares and then pediatricians. Finding the right daycare does take a lot of time. We have 3 more daycare tours then hopefully we will have our decision narrowed down and can move forward with a decision.
Next week is Thanksgiving. It will be nice see and spend time with our family. We have not seen much of them recently since we have been so busy. I am really looking forward to it. Also Brian and I only have a 3 day work week. I need a mini vacation. Brian and I will be out shopping on Black Friday. This might be the last year we can do it for a while so we will definitely be out there with all the other crazy people.

Ok lady I'm quite sure i know more about baby growing than i'm comfortably with... lol... i have to look at my belly to make sure it's baby free!! lol.. your post makes it so real... yikes.. can't truly believe that you actually got a costume for baby's next halloween.