My pump was like a best friend for the last 6 months. I would spend hours a day with it in the beginning. Every morning before work, I would have to pack all my supplies up and bring it with me. It was a real pain. While pumping most of the time I played on my phone. Melissa even got me hooked on the cell phone game Angry Birds for a while. I played angry birds while I was on maternity leave when I was pumping every 2-3 hours around the clock.

I hated pumping when Austin would start crying. It seemed like no matter how I timed it Austin would start crying as soon as the pump turned on. That was not really the case but it felt that way. I felt trapped to that machine so many times.

Melissa and Jonathan came up on Tuesday for a concert. Jonathan did not want to attend the concert so I went with Melissa. It was a nice night out for me. Melissa and I had a good time. However we are getting old because we needed to wear earplugs. It was way too loud.

My mother in law has been in town for the past two weeks. It has been nice that she has been able to spend time with Austin. However the reason she is in town is Gramps is extremely ill. He was placed on hospice a few weeks ago. It is really sad because we all know he is dying. Today we went to visit and gramps did not even get out of bed while we were there. Gramps is so important in so many people lives. This is going to be extremely difficult.

This week Austin will be traveling on an airplane for the first time. We are going to Milwaukee. Brian is presenting at a conference there. I am hoping we all have a good time.