On Thursday, Melissa and I took Austin to the zoo. I love the zoo. It’s fun to walk around and show Austin the animals. He is not too impressed with them yet. Melissa and I had fun. Thursday night Melissa spent the night with me. She wanted to babysit Austin while I went to work on Friday. Since she does not get to see him often I agreed. Plus it helped she was with us all day Thursday so she learned his routine.

Austin had been sleeping mostly though the night for me when Brian was gone. I think he knew that I would not be able to handle being up all day and night with him. However Thursday night was a different story. Austin woke up at 1:30am and did not go back to sleep until 5am. I had to get up at 5:30am for work. Melissa and I got very little sleep. Austin kept crying that night for some reason. I still really don’t know why. I went to work and Austin was awake. Luckily my mother in law came over to help Melissa on Friday. Melissa did not like not having any sleep.

Friday morning I was really sad. Brian texted me that his plane was going to be over 2 hours late. I knew that he was going to miss his connecting flight in New Jersey. I searched the computer for other flights that night. Unfortunately there were not any. I knew he would not be coming home that night. I had been waiting for this night for two weeks and now I had to wait another day.

Saturday morning I got up early so Austin and I could go the airport. Even though I did not get much sleep it was worth it to see Brian. Austin and I went inside the airport so Brian could see him as soon as he came out. I was so happy. Austin was glad to see him. Everyone was happy that Brian finally made it home.

Once we got home, we unpacked. It was weird for me to unpack however I never went anywhere. Brian was so tired. He cannot sleep on airplanes so he had been awake mostly since Thursday morning. He only got a few hours of sleep Friday night at the hotel. Brian had to stay up all day though because he needed to get back into the correct time zone.

Even though everything was a little crazy, it was so nice to Brian home!

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