The doctor was happy with my weight and blood pressure. I have gained 14 pounds total so far. My blood pressure has been good. They tested my urine and I have some blood in it. You cannot see it with your eyes though. So they sent out cultures and I was suppose to get results today. They are not back yet. He started me on Macrobid (an antibiotic). I was not happy about taking medication but I have to so that it does not get too severe and harm baby. This is the first medicine that I have taken other than prenatal vitamins. I have been very compliant with my medication. Brian also makes sure that I take it!

Everything else is going well. I am back to work and it is crazy there. I have been working about 10 hour days. That is a little too much. I am exhausted. Last night, I took a nap on the couch. I woke up and the clock said 6:30. Well I thought it was morning (I have been sleeping on the couch since I have not felt well). I ran upstairs and started getting dressed for work all along wondering where Brian was and why he did not wake me up. I thought he had already left for work. My heart was pounding because I thought I was late to work. Finally after about 5 minutes I realized that it was still evening and I still had 12 hours before returning to work. Brian was playing basketball and hadn't gotten home yet. That is how crazy the pregnancy has made me!
I am so grateful that tomorrow is Friday. I really need the weekend to relax! It is our 6 year anniversary this weekend. I cannot believe that we have been married for 6 years already. Where has all the time gone? In a few months, are lives are going to change even more. We really enjoyed our time alone together but are ready to start a family!
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