Once we got home, we tried to get everything ready because we were convinced that we may be going to the hospital in the middle of the night. I spent most of the night on the couch with contractions. Brian tried to go to bed early too in case we had to get up to go to the hospital. He had a hard time getting to sleep because of all the excitement but finally did and got some sleep. I had to get up to go to the bathroom about every hour, but I did manage to get some sleep so that's good.

This morning when I got up I went downstairs and got our birthing ball. It was more comfortable to sit on it. My contractions have been very sporadic overnight. Right now it is around 2pm. I called the doctor just a few minutes ago. My contractions are still between 6-11 minutes apart, but I don't know if my water broke. That's the only thing that concerns us.

We've been timing them and they are starting to get closer together. The closest was now about 3 minutes apart. It's 2:25 PM right now. The contractions are the weirdest thing because they are such intense pain for a short time. When you're not having one though, you feel just fine. We will keep an eye on them and probably go to the hospital later today. I am debating going to the store so I can walk around. It is very cold outside. Last night's low was -1 degrees and it is only 15 degrees so walking outside isn't an option. I think I'm just going to walk around the house for a little bit and see how it goes. I'm using an app on my droid phone to time the contractions with Brian's help.
Wish me luck!

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