Wednesday night we went to the Cavs game. Brian got us seats on the floor. With the Cavs being so bad, there are tickets available. It is a bonus of being a season ticket holder. We knew that this may be our last Cavs game before baby so it was neat to be on the floor. Unfortunately my favorite player Mo did not play but I got to see the other players very close. It's different to be able to see facial expressions and hear the players than sitting in the upper level like we usually do.

Last night, I woke up with some lower abdominal pains around 3am. It was pretty uncomfortable. Then I started to have some diarrhea. I could not sleep for the rest of the night. I kept getting up going to the bathroom and trying to reposition to get comfortable. I knew they were not real contractions but I did not know if real contractions would start soon. Then I became very nauseous. Brian even had to go find me a puke buckets just in case. I decided I needed to stay home from work today. I woke Brian up at 5:30 and told him that if he needed to go to work to do anything, he better go in now! He got up and went to work early.

We took my weekly pregnancy progress picture tonight in case this ends up being our last one. We usually take them on Sunday, but decided to do one Friday night too just in case. It snowed about 3 inches last night and has been windy. Brian took this picture around 6:30 when he was heading into work. You can see the snow blowing off the building. The low temperature tonight is supposed to be 2 degrees!

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