We made it to 38 weeks. Right now we are playing the waiting game. We know that Baby can come anytime now but we are still hoping we have another week or so to get everything finalized.

I have been in my new job for one week. Last week was extremely busy for me. The main reason is that I need to prepare for the possibility of not coming back to work every night before I go home. I might not be there for 3 months, so I need to leave things cleaned up. That is really hard for me to accept right now. I am trying to get as much done as possible. Brian’s job has also been extremely busy. So we don’t see each other much during the week. We come home late, eat dinner, and I basically relax on the couch because I am so tired.
This weekend my mom took me for a pedicure. Now my toes are all pretty for labor. It was nice and relaxing. After the pedicure, we went out for a late breakfast. I really love breakfast food. It was a nice morning out.
Brian and I also worked in Baby’s room a little bit. It is crazy because Baby’s room has been ready for weeks however we keep buying more things. Some of them arrived and we put them away. This week we got a mobile for the crib and larger receiving blankets.
We have been reading the book “The Happiest Baby on the Block”. It talks about the importance of swaddling. The receiving blankets you buy at the store are not big enough to keep baby swaddled in so we bought new ones (48" square instead of just 30" square like at most stores). Also Brian got me a new set of headphones for labor. We did not want to bring my nice travel pair to the hospital in case they get damaged.

Brian has been in charge of packing the hospital bags. It is the weirdest thing because Brian has never packed for any of our trips. I always pack everything! However I am not into this packing thing right now so poor Brian has to do it all. It is really cute. Brian has been wonderful. He has lists that he has made to make sure we bring everything. We now even have a list on our refrigerator with our last minute items we need to pack. Brian has now officially packed the car and everything but a few items such as the camera, computer, breast pump are in the there. Also my makeup and hairdryer will need to be packed as we leave the house since I use them everyday. Worst case my parents can stop by our house to pick up our last minute items if for some reason I am unable to come home before the hospital.
I really need another week to wrap everything up before Baby arrives. However I realize Baby is going to come when he/she wants to. I am still pretty tried most of the time. That may be because I am working 10 plus hours a day. I am starting to think that Brian is going though the nesting phase because I am just too exhausted to do it. There is no way I could do this without him!
Tomorrow is another doctor’s appointment. We will see what he says and hopefully everything still looks good. Also tomorrow is Auntie Melissa’s Birthday.
Happy Birthday Auntie Melissa from Baby Mattie!
Today is a full moon. I think baby Mattie should seriously consider coming today. 1/19/11 would be a good birthdate to have. We are waiting baby!!!