Austin has been home for 5 days now. Brian and I are adjusting and learning a lot from Austin. Without being a parent, you would think that you (as the parent) would be teaching the baby things however right now it is really the other way around. We are adjusting to Austin's schedule and figuring out what he likes and does not like.

We had a first pediatrician's appointment on Wednesday. Austin was down to 7 lb 3 oz and she was a little concerned. It's normal for babies to lose about 10% of their birth weight as they get adjusted to their new life and mom's milk starts coming in. Anything more than 10% is when they start getting more concerned. We needed to make sure Austin started gaining weight and not losing anymore. We realized we were not feeding Austin enough. It is really hard to know how much he is eating when I am breast feeding. The pediatrician told us we needed to start supplementing 1 oz of either breast milk or formula after each feeding.

I could not believe that we may have to start feeding Austin formula already. I knew breast feeding was a challenge but I have only had him 4 days and now I may need to feed him formula. Part of the issue was my milk was not all the way in so I only have so much. Plus we did not realize how much milk Austin needed. I just felt like a bad mom for not being able to give him only breast milk. So I decided to be crazy and pump my breasts at least every two hours in hopes I would not have to give him formula. That worked okay during the day but at night it was impossible.

I obviously was not getting any sleep. Even with my lofty goals, it would still take 2-3 days for my milk supply to increase in response to increased pumping and feeding.
I had a melt down Thursday night Brian talked me though it and he ended up giving Austin formula while I was sleeping. It worked out nicely because I no longer had to feel guilty for giving it to him. It was too late. Brian already took care of it. Since I am pumping anyways, my milk should still come in. Formula is trouble when you stop demanding milk from the breast because you are using it instead. Lower demand means the breasts will produce less and you'll need to supplement with more formula. It's a downward spiral. Since I am pumping though, this cycle is avoided and not as problematic. The formula is simply buying us time until my milk comes in more.

On Thursday we met with a lactation consultant. She was helpful and encouraged me that breast feeding will get easier. Another issue I have is that my nipples are extremely sore. She also helped with that. There are breast feeding support groups in the community that I need to start going to. This is going to be a challenge but I really want to breast feed Austin as much as possible right now.

Friday we went back to the pediatrician. I was so nervous. What if he is still losing weight? I have done everything possible to make sure he eats enough. On Friday he weighed 7 lb 7 oz. Thank goodness! He gained 4 ounces. We are going in the right direction now. I was so happy! We do not have to go back to the doctors for a week. Yeah!
Brian went back to work on Wednesday afternoon. I was not sure how to feel about that. Part of me wanted him to stay at home with us forever but I realized that is unrealistic. I was hoping I could handle everything. Brian and I have been such a good team with Austin. I was hoping I could do this. I knew that Brian was just a phone call away if I needed anything.

Luckily my mom was off Wednesday though Friday. She came up and helped with Austin. She would watch him while I napped. She also helped out with him when I was pumping breast milk. During the day, I pump a lot so it really helps when someone can watch him while I pump. If not, I have to watch him (sometimes hold him) while holding 2 breast pumps. It is quite the challenge.
I have learned that with being a mom, I really need about 2 more hands. Because Austin loves to be held, I hold him a lot. I will type one handed if needed so I can get some work done and still hold him. I can now eat left handed. These are the new little things in my life.

Brian has been wonderful. We are still working in shifts during the night. We usually have 3 hour shifts at a time. We are getting Austin use to sleeping in his crib and last night we were both able to sleep for a little bit. Brian setup an elaborate baby camera system which allows us to watch him on TVs throughout our house. It is nice because we can sleep in the living room or bedroom and have Austin on TV. Right now one of us is sleeping in the bedroom in silence while the other person (who's shift it is) sleeps on the couch and listens/watches Austin on TV. Eventually we can use picture in picture, but we haven't really had time to watch TV this first week so that will be used later. Earlier this week, Brian would have Austin in a little baby carrier and hold him while he worked on the computer. He is so creative.

So far everything is going well. Austin is an excellent baby. Brian and I are just learning a lot and enjoying our new family together. We will see what Austin has in store for us next week.

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