On day two (Monday) we knew we would be going home. We had mixed emotions. We were happy to be leaving the hospital, but still sad because the birthing process was over. After all, we had planned for this day for nine months. Now it was already here and gone! We were nervous since we really did not know what we were in for. It was a little scary.

Our second and final day in the hospital started with another busy morning. The pediatrician came in and assessed Austin. She said everything looked good. Then we went to baby basics class with Austin. The instructor asked if she could use Austin for the bath demonstration. We said sure. He was really hungry by that time so he was not happy. But he got a bath in front of the class.
Once we got back into the room I fed Austin. The lactation specialist came in just as I started, so the timing was perfect. She gave us more helpful information. We are realizing that it is good to hear what everyone has to say. Ultimately though we have to take everything in and decide what works best for us. She also showed us how to use the breast pump.

Afterward, we ordered lunch and started packing up our room. We packed a lot of things so we had lots to pack up. Plus the hospital gave us stuff to take home. Our nurse came in and went over our discharge instructions. We filled out paperwork to order Austin's birth certificate. We should get it in the mail in about a month. We had everything ready to go home.

Brian got the car and the nursing assistant took Austin and I down to him. Even though I didn't really need it, they took me out in a wheelchair. Wow we are really leaving! Its was cold and snowy outside, but Brian had preheated the car so it wasn't too bad. Austin didn't like his car seat at first, but he quickly realized it was warm and cozy and liked it.

Once we got home we set up our house for Austin. We got out the pack n play. We got all the diaper supplies downstairs. We just tried to figure out what works best. Brian unpacked our bags. Then Brian took a nap while I watched Austin. Once he got up we ate dinner and spent time together as a family. Austin has been sleeping for 2-3 hours at a time. He wakes up I breast feed him, change his diaper, and then we read or play with him. We are getting a routine down.

Our first night at home Austin slept in his crib. Brian and I took turns getting up with him. We each have a 2-3 hour shift between feedings. This allows one of us to sleep undisturbed while the other is responsible for Austin. He is fairly easy to calm, but often needs us to hold him (or rock him in his crib) otherwise he will start to cry. By taking turns, this is more manageable. So far everything is going extremely well.
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