We went to the doctors again on Monday. I must go every week now. I really enjoyed going once a month. This once a week thing is time consuming. He said that I am 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. Also baby’s head has moved down. Brian and I decided I still have not dropped yet. I am carrying baby really high. Baby loves to kick my right rib. I am now convinced Baby will be a soccer player because he/she loves to kick so much!
Things are becoming more difficult for me. Up until this week, I was basically doing everything I did before I was pregnant. I would whine some but I could do it. These days I really cannot do everything. Like tonight, I had Brian get the clothes out of the dryer because I could not bend over far enough without pain to get all the clothes out. Making dinner is a lot of effort too. Just trying to get pans out of the cupboard takes everything I have to do it. It is really just because I cannot bend over too well because my stomach is so big!
Everyone says that the only weight I have gained is in my stomach. I have been really lucky that I did not gain weight in my thighs, buttock, or anywhere else. I am still able to wear my wedding rings. I have some swelling in my ankles and that is about it. If I was not on my feet most of the day I might not even have that.
Several posts ago, I mentioned that I went on a job interview. I have not said anything else about it because I did not know if I got it until last week. I got the supervisor job and started on Monday. How many pregnant women start a new job 3 weeks before their due date? Luckily I have basically been doing it so it is not much different except I now have the title. I feel bad that I will be going on maternity leave so soon but everyone at work has been supportive. I will be off work for 12 weeks then I will be going back to work full time. That is going to be very hard but we decided that is best for now. Baby will be at daycare at my work so hopefully it will not be too bad.

We are still okay with Baby coming much closer to the due date. We want baby to be fully developed and want what is best for him/her. We are very excited to meet our bundle of joy but we are willing to be patient. Our family on the other hand, wants baby here yesterday. Baby will decide we he/she is ready and we are okay with that too.
I hope Brian grows some extra limbs so he can carry all the crap that you packed. You can always throw the birthing ball at him, that shouldn't hurt too much. :) Baby Mattie it is time to come out and meet your family!!!
ReplyDeleteAmy as a mom.. wow.. I'm excited for you guys! Sending good thoughts your way for a fast and easy labour..perhpas I should not have use the work "labour"......