When we arrived at the hospital at 5pm, the doctor checked me and I was only 5-6cm. I could not believe it. I thought I would be at least 7-8 cm. I was disappointed. Of course, they were still going to admit me as I was in active labor. We got checked into the labor and delivery room. The contractions were strong but not terrible. I knew the worst was yet to come but I really wanted to get this over with.

Interestingly the time did seem to go by fast for me. I did not have any concept of time during labor. It was painful and all I knew is I wanted it over with. When I finally had an urge to push my doctor checked me and told me it was okay for me to start bearing down. The biggest problem I had is I don't like the position they want you to push the baby out in. So, as Brian said, I was a bit uncooperative. Finally I got into the best position (for them not me) and starting pushing. Luckily I only had to push about 5 times. I find that part of labor the most difficult and painful. I know some people disagree with that but I find it the worst! Finally Sydney Lynn was born at 8:11pm. She was 7lb 11 ounces and 19.75 inches long. The best news of all was that she was healthy!
After delivery, she was on my chest for about an hour. I held her and tried to recover from labor. After labor, my body was shaking. There was a little concern for Sydney because she had some fluid/mucus in her airway because I did not push long so the mucus was not able to be extracted. The nurse suctioned her a few times. Then she was all better. While they got Sydney all cleaned up, I took a shower. Being able to shower after labor is a wonderful thing. Then they moved us to post partum.
Brian went out and got us dinner at Wendy's around 10pm. Last time, my dad did that for us but since he and my mom were with Austin, Brian had to do it. We ate dinner and decided that Brian was going to go home. He was still sick and we did not want him there coughing all night long. I was on my own with Sydney but I felt confident this time that I could do it just fine. (I could have never done that with Austin - we were too clueless with the first baby).