I live in shorts, tank tops, and flip flops. I usually don't like shorts and prefer capris however if I am not at work, I am in shorts. Also I don't like wearing socks because my feet are swollen. When I wear them it just makes it worse. So my flip flops are my best friend. I sleep in shorts and a tank top and that has worked out fairly well. We have the air set to 75 degrees and when I sleep I have a fan on high. I mostly sleep on the couch because its more comfortable for me with the pillows. Plus it is a little cooler downstairs. I really don't like being hot.
Here are some pictures Brian took. The storm ditch in our neighbor's yard is as dry as can be. Meanwhile temperatures in July were soaring. Two photos of the television show the highs being near 100 degrees day after day!

So far I have gained 26 pounds. I don't think that is too bad. Most people say I look really good for being 9 months pregnant. I have a pregnancy belly and I also gained weight throughout my body. I eat mostly normal however before bed I like eating a bowl of cereal. That way I am not hungry in the middle of the night. Waking up in the middle of the night hungry is one thing I really don't like. If that happens, I am usually up for about an hour. I do love sweets during this pregnancy too. I could eat a Wendy's Frosty or Diary Queen Cupcake everyday but I try to limit it to once a month. Plus I wake up about every 2-3 hours to pee.

We have everything ready for Sydney. Brian has the car seats installed in both cars. Her room is absolutely perfect. All of her baby toys are ready for her like the Boppy Pillow, swing, and bouncer. It is kind of fun to have those things out again. I have sanitized all the little bottles again. I am planning on breast feeding for the first 6 months again without killing myself. If she needs a little formula here and there that is okay but hopefully her main source of nutrition will be breast milk. I really hope that maybe she will be able to latch on a little better than Austin so I can nurse her more than pumping. Because pumping and having to give her a bottle is A LOT of work. I still plan on pumping but I would love not to pump every 2 hours!

Right now we are just playing the waiting game. I am plan on working tomorrow (Friday August 3) and I have a lot of work to before I go out on maternity leave. Hopefully Brian and I will get a few more little things accomplished this weekend and then we will be all ready for Sydney's arrival!
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