I have cramps on and off but nothing consistent. I feel a lot of pressure but that's about it. I feel like I am sitting on her head. Sometimes I wonder if she could just "pop" out. It is a weird feeling. Something I did not experience with Austin. The worst part is I get shooting sharp pains down my legs. They are extremely painful and for a few seconds I can't even move. Again I never had them with Austin.
Today we go to the doctor. They are going to do a fetal stress test. If that is negative my doctor said he will let me do my own thing. But if they are concerned about baby they may have to induce me. I have a big fear of being induced. I had a great labor experience with Austin with going natural and doing my thing. I really want that with Sydney as well. But obviously Sydney's health comes first so we will see what has to happen this afternoon.
Austin will be 19 months old on Wednesday. I can't believe it! Everyone told us that once you have kids time flies and they are so right. Austin is so much fun! He is his own person and it's so great to see. You can see his personality coming out and it's great. Brian and I are loving every moment with him. We both realize how precious this time is and enjoying every minute of it.
Since Austin got ear tubes, he has been talking so much more. His favorite word right now is "bus" but he can now say house, eyes, and horsey. Now whenever he sees a camera pointed at him, he says "cheese" too. It is funny. We assume he learned that at daycare (the first time he did it we thought he wanted cheese because he does know cheese by name too). This morning I woke up to Austin saying "hi" to all of his transportation stickers in his room. It was funny. We now let Austin sleep with a stuffed monkey that he started liking. He loves waking up with monkey. It is fun to watch him go to sleep with the monkey too. He wrestles with it for a while being going to sleep. That is my nightly entertainment right now.

Austin does not understand that he is going to have a sister soon. It will be interesting to see what happens once Sydney comes home. Right now we have a great routine with Austin. He gets up between 7:30-8am. Lunch around noon. Nap starts around 1pm until about 3pm. Dinner around 5:30pm with a walk around the block after dinner. Then a bath. Austin loves bathtime. Austin goes to bed around 8pm and sleeps all night. It is wonderful. He has had that schedule for about 2 months now. We love that he sleeps in a little bit and sleeps all night long. Soon Brian and I will be up most of the night with Sydney. We are not looking forward to that.
After my doctor's appointment I will update to see what the plan is next. We are just hoping that Sydney is okay.
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