On Wednesday night, the girls from work had a baby shower for me. It was at a local restaurant near our work. They told me that Brian needed to be there too. Luckily Brian is easy going and he did not mind. After all it’s his baby too!
When we arrived there was a chair for me to sit in with several balloons on it. Then they even had a corsage for me to wear. I was getting the special treatment.

I could not believe they did all of this. The cake was so cute too. We all ordered off the menu and had dinner together. There were about 20 people there. It was so nice of them!
After dinner I opened up gifts. I (really baby) got all kinds of really nice things. We got baby clothes/sleepers, diapers, bathing set, car seat, baby head rest, changing pad, baby blanket, books, swing, booster seat for the kitchen table, baby book, and a toy box. It was amazing. Brian and I had a great time. We are so thankful for everything.

When we got home, I could not wait to start opening things and playing with them. We got a baby music toy. Once I opened it, I started playing it near my stomach so baby could hear it. I was having so much fun. My house is now looking like a baby lives in it.

On Thursday night we went to the Cavs vs Heat game. This has been marked on our calendar ever since the schedule came out. (There was even talk from other people of what would happen if I went into labor before this day. All I can say is we are glad baby is still developing inside of me right now-for many reasons, not just the game). This was a big event and we had to be there. Brian and I love basketball and use to really like LeBron James. Now we hate him.
We still remember the night the LeBron made “The Decision” on national TV. That night Brian and I were convinced that he would stay in Cleveland. We stood in front of the TV just waiting and when he said he was “taking his talents to South Beach” we were very angry.
Back then (July), we knew I was pregnant but no one else did. We knew even if LeBron would have stayed, our days of going to every home Cavs game were going to end this winter. We had more important things to focus on. Even so, we still really wanted him to make the right decision and stay in Cleveland. But he did not. Therefore we needed to attend this game to let him know what we thought about him. Tickets were very expensive and in demand, but we have season tickets. So far we have attended every home game this year (around 10 so far).

We arrived at the game at least an hour before tip off. We had to make sure that we were there for when LeBron came out. It was crazy to be there. When he came out, the crowd booed so loud it was indescribable. It was not long before the entire arena was chanting a**hole over and over again. Even though I was not chanting it, I could see how it made people feel better. Other clever chants were "Akron Hates You" and "Scottie Pippen" (since Lebron is a sidekick to Dwyane Wade). I think Lebron got the message. The Cavs played terribly except for the first quarter. We still had lots of fun chanting, watching security, and seeing people get ejected at the end (mainly Miami fans causing trouble).

Today Brian and my parents went to an infant CPR class. Since I am already certified in infant CPR I did not register myself. I thought it would be good for all of them to go. We hope we never have to use it but you definitely want to know what to do if you do.
I am at home this morning doing some housework. It is hard to keep the house together when we both work a lot during the week. Yesterday I was at work for 11 hours! I get a little tired and cranky at times but for the most part I have been feeling pretty well. I am starting to be uncomfortable at times... especially if I am in one position too long. Even at night, I am up moving around just so I can get comfortable. I am getting practice for when baby arrives!